This is just a twist on my usual maxim to "Save early, save often" but it has a nice ring to it. Anyway Autumn term news already. The scouts leaders are having a planning meeting tomorrow more than 2 weeks before the start of the school term. Usually this would be the Tuesday or Wednesday before we start so it's quite a change. I'll try and post the plan as soon as I can but I can tell you one thing we are definately doing and that is a trip to the observatory on the 17th September. Hopefully the night will be dark enough and the weather clear that we can get a view of something cool through the telescope. It might be worthwhile thinking of interesting questions to ask while we are there.
A favourite that I'm sure we'll pop in is the rifle shooting in Castletown at the rifle club by the football ground. It's something we've done every year since I've been running scouts and everyone looks forward to.
A couple of additional notes for your diaries: We had a scout group meeting and decided that we would run a beetle drive on the evening of the 12th November to raise funds. If anyone would like to voluteer to bake cakes or donate something for a raffle please come forward and talk to me or anyone else, or send an email to my address
The other date is the 4th December when we are bag packing at Port Erin Shoprite. I don't have all the details but when we last did it it was in shifts from 10am 'til 4pm. Signup sheets will probably circulate after half term but the more scouts helping the more we raise. Doke n't forget that we need a certain level parental supervision as there are only so many leaders.
If anyone would like to make any suggestions about what goes into the scout programme again email or talk to me, I welcome all suggestions.
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