Friday, November 19, 2010

Friday, November 12, 2010

beetle drive tonight

7pm everyone welcome. refreshments , raffle and fun
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Thursday, October 14, 2010

the dog ate it

as part of the promise challenge there is a requirement to do a piece of work on a "political or world issue". I want an original work of at least 150 words. you can use the internet for research but please don't cut and paste, I will find out, if Google worked for you it will for me. I did mine last night and 150 words is surprisingly short.
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Monday, September 27, 2010

targeting victory

A short note to remind everyone that this Friday's shooting starts at 7.30. we'll still be finishing at 9.30 and everyone needs to fill in the permission form, we will be bringing spares.
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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

friday nights alright for hiking

Don't forget that we are hiking this Friday from rushen mines to the waterfall hotel car park. If the scouts could have a go at filling in the route plan I gave them we'll know how we're getting there

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Annual General Meeting

I believe is on the 19th November, the week after the beetle drive. I think we still need a treasurer so take one step forward and volunteer soldier. The other thing we could do with is a proper fund raising commitee rather than the leaders trying to organise that as well as sessions.

So if you'd like to help form a fundraising commitee now is the chance to join at the beginning.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Would Sir care to see the menu?

1st half Autumn Programme
Woohoo! 4 days before the start of term comes the programme. Download it now! Don't forget to email me to say you have it so that I can print less copies for Fridays session.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Plan early, plan often

This is just a twist on my usual maxim to "Save early, save often" but it has a nice ring to it. Anyway Autumn term news already. The scouts leaders are having a planning meeting tomorrow more than 2 weeks before the start of the school term. Usually this would be the Tuesday or Wednesday before we start so it's quite a change. I'll try and post the plan as soon as I can but I can tell you one thing we are definately doing and that is a trip to the observatory on the 17th September. Hopefully the night will be dark enough and the weather clear that we can get a view of something cool through the telescope. It might be worthwhile thinking of interesting questions to ask while we are there.
A favourite that I'm sure we'll pop in is the rifle shooting in Castletown at the rifle club by the football ground. It's something we've done every year since I've been running scouts and everyone looks forward to.

A couple of additional notes for your diaries: We had a scout group meeting and decided that we would run a beetle drive on the evening of the 12th November to raise funds. If anyone would like to voluteer to bake cakes or donate something for a raffle please come forward and talk to me or anyone else, or send an email to my address

The other date is the 4th December when we are bag packing at Port Erin Shoprite. I don't have all the details but when we last did it it was in shifts from 10am 'til 4pm. Signup sheets will probably circulate after half term but the more scouts helping the more we raise. Doke n't forget that we need a certain level parental supervision as there are only so many leaders.

If anyone would like to make any suggestions about what goes into the scout programme again email or talk to me, I welcome all suggestions.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

"Wheely bad" or "Too many indians and not enough chiefs"

Sadly this Fridays session (23rd July) will have to be cancelled. Terry, Mike and I are all going off island and so no one will be available to run the cycle ride or supervise the barbeque. We will look forward to seeing you all after the summer holidays bright eyed and eager to scout.
Of course this is a perfect opportunity for you parents and guardians to volunteer to be a scout leader, permanent or occasional helper. I'm sure you'll give it appropriate thought :-)

Monday, June 28, 2010

Where's that?

This weeks programme is presented from the well known location of Mullyn Ny Carty
View Larger Map
My efforts to describe it's location, well I should be acting on Hollyoaks, enough said. Mike and I will provide the food to be cooked, all you have to do is provide willing scouts to cook and eat it.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

One ring to Barule them all

For those who have lost their Friday handouts we're going over the mountain this week. No rally to get in the way so it's the Round Table to the Watertrough. Set down is 8pm pickup at 9:30pm. Start is here
View Larger Map just down the Colby road from cross roads

Pick up is here
View Larger Map in the car park just off the Ballamohda road

Usual scout rules apply: appropriate clothing, footwear, snack etc

Monday, May 31, 2010

De fault

the 2 sweetest words in the English language. Which is how I appear to be winning this months poll, so get voting.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

is as good as a rest

Well another change of venue. This week we are at.....Arbory School. Da da daaaaaa!

Bare in mind that the southern 100 track will probably be closed.

for those of you who don't know where Arbory school is here's google

View Larger Map

Thursday, May 20, 2010

The wheels on the train go round and round?

Actually they fell off! My negotiations with the dept of transport have failed, lets just say overtime was mentioned and leave it at that.

Soooooo. The backup plan for next week was to mountain bike around the South Barule cycle tracks. Pending checking that the area won't be closed, already used and suitable thats what we'll do. I'll have to switch to my knobby tires and probably inflate them too. Such is life.

View Larger Map

Monday, May 17, 2010

Museum Madness

Well I got a call from a nice man today who represented the Military and Aviation Museum and we are booked in for Friday. I'm not entirely sure that we can spin it out for 90 minutes but you never know. Perhaps I'll bring the balls for an impromptu game of Kingball, as long as we stay away from the road, oh and any planes.

On a different note I'm not entirely sure anyone is reading these posts so if you are email me to let me know. Oh and vote in the new poll, vote for me. BTW the result of the last poll was orienteering and we arranged (we island scouting, not royal we) a competition a couple of weeks ago so things do happen based on these polls. Not this one of course, it's just an ego trip. Vote me.

If you do have ideas, suggestions, pathological desire to take up a leadership position my door is always open. Metaphorically, I close the real one when it's cold.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Kriss Kross Cringle

For those of you who have no idea where Cringle Reservoir is. Bare in mind that the A27 Colby Glen Road may still be blocked at the water works. If I find out one way or the other I'll blog here

Monday, May 3, 2010


For those of you who missed it here is the
1st half summer term programme

How many ears soes a scout have?

3. Left, right and orienteers. Thats probably the worst joke I've ever done. Oh well, 3 of our intrepid scouts came along to Colden plantation on Sunday for the orienteering competition on a course that I think could easily be described as 'challenging'. And after just 2 hours they arrived back at the start with 11 out of 12 control points for a credible 4th. (No one mention time penalties, please) Fun was had which is all that really counts and the tea was quite nice.

On yer hike

The best laid plans and all that. We'll when I planned the hike for 7 May I had checked the internet which assured me that this weekends rally wouldn't interfere with out South Barule hike. Yeah, right! Well we have a new hike, one which I checked out on Saturday after a few text messages telling me about road closures. The plan is to meet in Bradda Glen car park for a prompt 8pm start and pick up in Bradda Glen car park after a complete and "fun" circuit of Bradda along the raad ne Follan. It's 90 minutes for me so the scouts should have no trouble and if I remember my camera I'll even post some pics from the hike.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

It's taking over the world

Just a quick note to say that I'm moving my filehosting over to google. If anyone can work out why files keep failing to download let me know as I really can't see why.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Remember to forget something

Welcome back. This is my 1st post for a while and as always it's short and sweet. For those who haven't had a copy of the programme for this term click here. As you can see the super splash is nearly upon us and the kayak polo is not long after. Something I forgot off the programme is 3 legs challenge which is this year being centrally organised if you want to take part, let me know and we can get a leader on each of the hikes.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Confused? You won't be after the next episode of...

The AGM saga continues....
It is now 6:40pm on Friday the 12th February at Arbory school. Sorry for the late info but this saga keeps running, any more twists and there could be an award in it. Of course this means there won't be a session that evening and as I'd already had to change after the railway museum no real harm done.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Grid Ref: 123456

For those people who didn't get the slip detailing the change next weeks scout meeting is at the Methodist Hall in Ballabeg. We've used this before so no supprises. See you all at the same time on Friday.

Monday, January 25, 2010

A promise is a promise

As everyone can see this week is promise challenge week and I'd like to remind everyone about the two pieces of "homework" that I set on the term plan. The first is easy 6 or 7 written lines of a well formed prayer asking in humility, giving thanks that sort of thing. The other is a bit harder, I'd like at least half a page on a political or world event or issue. This is important and is a major constituent of the challenge badge, the written aspect gives the leader team time to apraise the work and just its merit for the badge.

Sadly the railway museum trip wil have to be held over until they open to tourists. Apparantly the engines are covered for the winter, a kind of loco-hibernation and they won't wake up until spring.

Finally the AGM should be rescheduled for the 1st week back after February half term. Assuming no more snow that is.

Monday, January 11, 2010

What's occurin'?

For those of you who would like advance warning of what we are to here is a pdf of this half terms programme. Note that there are some actions for the scouts to do before some of the sessions.
If the programme doesn't load highlight the pdfs address end press enter on it like you are typing a web address. It seems to work the second time.

Saturday, January 2, 2010


Well happy new year and all that. You'll all be thrilled to know that I'm planning to have a planning meeting this week. Friday, is of course, the AGM 6:30 Arbory School. Be there parents (or guardians) or you'll miss out on having your say. No scout session afterwards though. I should give out programmes for the coming half term there.

More when I wake up/